5 Things You Need To Know About Instagram's Algorithm

If you are an active Instagram user you may have noticed that your Instagram feed is always changing. Originally organized in reverse chronological order, Instagram now prioritizes the moments their users care about most. Since this change they have restructured their algorithm countless times to…

The Power of Engagement

Engage on Social MediaWe’ve lightly touched on engagement in our recent posts The Great Social Media Strategy Reset of 2021 and Social Media Trends for 2021 but now I want to dive in a little deeper into what it means to be engaged in social media and how you can be better engaged with your…

Social Media Trends for 2021

2021 Social Media TrendsNow that you have (hopefully) revised your social media targeting, there are several social media trends to know about.  These trends are so IN right now! See how you can employ these tactics in your marketing plan. Don’t worry if you’ve already outlined your 2021 strategy,…

The Great Social Media Strategy Reset of 2021

Social Media Strategy for 2021What better way to put out the dumpster fire that was 2020 and embrace the new year than with a fresh perspective on your social media strategy. Coming up: Part 1 on how to engage better with your followers on social media. Also, if you’re not engaging on social media,…

How Does Video Add Value to your Digital Presence?

Using video to add value to your company onlineDigital Why Use Video? In today’s culture, people are busy. If you want to catch their attention you have to be engaging and you have to be fast. BRING Studios offers the perfect video solution to quickly convey your message. Videos Are Engaging This…

person creating content on a computer

Making Your Content Count

Three Tips to Make Your Content Stand Out in a CrowdDigitalYou know you need to create “content” for your site to rank well.  You’ve considered your business and your target audience, you’ve defined a problem they have, and you set out to solve it for them.. in blog form. So far so good! But…

Top level social media strategy

3 Steps to Implementing a Social Media StrategyDigitalLet’s take a look at all the various social media services and tools we can name in 30 seconds: Facebook Twitter Vine Snapchat Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Feel overwhelmed yet? It seems that every single day we are hearing about…