woocommerce Extension Recommendations
Maximize Your Stores Shopping Experience with these woocommerce Extensions and Plugins_
How can you make your online shopping experience reach more potential customers, be more engaging, or provide better incentives for bigger sales? We’ve put together a list of our favorite eCommerce extensions and plugins.
Facebook for Woocommerce
Connect your store to your Facebook account to sync products and drive traffic to your website for sales. This plugin allows customers to add items to their cart directly from your business’s Facebook page. You can also design and purchase your Facebook and IG ads directly through WooCommerce, as well as, add a chat feature on your website that utilizes Facebook’s Messenger App.

WooCommerce Subscriptions
Do you have a consumable commodity? Something that will run out and that users will likely need more of? WooCommerce subscriptions can help get your customers committed to a regular purchase. My favorite example of this is The Succulent of the Month Club, (obviously). I’m definitely not sure that they’re using the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension but you get the idea.

Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic pricing let’s you give your customers percentage or dollar amount discounts based on custom rules that you set up. For example, if you have a store selling socks and underwear, you can give your customers a free pair of socks when they purchase 3 pairs; you can give a 10% discount when they spend more than $25; or you can make all underwear 13% off.
Dynamic pricing gives you control over how you position your pricing and give customers incentives to buy.
Yotpo : Product & Photo Reviews for WooCommerce
Collect reviews, ratings and photos from customers who have purchased your product! Yotpo allows you to leverage social proof to help sell your products. You can even display ratings in your organic search and Google Ads, use customer content for social posts, and build a community around your brand.
WooCommerce Points and Rewards
Start a loyalty program! With this extension you can reward your customers for their purchases and other actions, like writing reviews, with a point system that can be redeemed for discounts. You have the control to define how many points are earned for purchases and the value of those points. You can even decide the maximum discount that can be earned using points at the cart, category, and product level.
Common goals for a loyalty program:
- Sign up customers for the loyalty program
- Identify who your customers are
- Enhance personalization
- Incentivize repeat purchases
- Encourage brand engagement
- Drive traffic to your store
Product Add-Ons
Customize your products with add-on fields. With this you can add gift-wrapping, personalization, set-up fees, upgrade to a premium material, and so much more! The only limit is your imagination. You can even show the add-on field as a thumbnail image to create a more visual shopping experience. This extension may not be as exciting as some of the others but it exceeds expectations when you need to add customized options for your products.
Mix and Match Products
Selling cases of beer? A dozen donuts? Custom Tshirts at your print shop? Now you can set a minimum order limit of the assortment and define which items are available to choose from. You can decide if the price is static for the assortment size or if it is priced per item and totalled. You can also have your items shipped together, shipped separately, or not shipped at all. So many ways to mix and match your products!
As you can see, there are many ways that you can improve the shopping experiences of your customers, and BRING is here to help! Check out our website development services for more information on our brand-led, conversion-driven websites!