Bring re-brands WIsconsin Lock & Load as REDI Transports

REDI for a Re-Brand

You may have heard of Wisconsin Lock & Load or seen their transport vehicles around town. They’ve been providing reliable prisoner and detainee transports since 2006. But in recent years they started extending their reach beyond Wisconsin and expanding their services to include a whole new market for behavioral health patients, so the name Wisconsin Lock & Load no longer seemed appropriate. They needed a name and brand identity that would convey their expanded services and key qualities. That’s where BRING came in.

BRING completed a brand audit and conducted research among clients from both markets to help create a new brand and uncover their unique selling points. The result was REDI Transports, a strong brand name that highlights their key qualities without alienating either market/audience. REDI stands for Responsive, Efficient, Dependable and Informed—the very qualities customers are looking for when they hire a transport company.

BRING then created a logo to represent the new brand. A strong, bold typeface was used to signify the authoritative position of the company while incorporating a more soothing teal blue gradient to fit with the behavioral health side of the business. A subtle arrow graphic was added to convey movement and progression along with a chain link to indicate the security aspect of the brand.

Once the new name and logo were developed, a new website was needed to convey the brand identity and clearly communicate their expanded services to two specific markets: prisoner and behavioral health. BRING created a very strong, clean and intuitive website design built upon the new brand identity. The REDI Transports website is easy to navigate for their two separate and very different audiences, giving them the option to get more info about prisoner transport services or behavioral health transport services depending on their specific needs. To complete the website redesign, new photography was needed to tell the story and fit with the rebrand. BRING shot a wide variety of action photography at a training session, their office and at BRING’s studio to capture various scenarios and provide the client with a comprehensive photography portfolio to use on the website as well as in other applications as needed. (You can check out the new website here.)

The client was extremely satisfied with the process from beginning to end and it was a great partnership.

 “The BRING team did an amazing job capturing our company. We truly value our partnership and appreciate their hard work and attention to detail.”

–Alicia Stevenson, VP of REDI Transports.

The transformation from Wisconsin Lock & Load to REDI Transports has been well received by its customers and positions the company to continue its growth and be even more successful in the future.